STAR WARSFinally, George Lucas completes his intergalactic saga with the last installment : REVENGE OF THE SITH.
Spoiler or not, these are some of the things I have to say about the film.
Revenge of the Sith is expected to be the darkest of all 6 episodes, and George Lucas amazingly crafted it to what he wanted this episode to be. The film opens with an incredible clone wars scene set in space which reminds Star Wars fans with the opening of the fourth episode also with a battle scene set in high atmosphere above some planet. That action sequence is perfect--gunships in full speed, exploding starfighters and starships, and a near death Obi Wan Kenobi because of annoying buzz droids.
Chancellor Palpatine, being revealed as the Sith Lord, would be the main antagonist on this film along with the half human-half droid General Grievous and the upcoming Sith apprentice, Anakin.
Hayden Christensen was great in playing a darker Anakin this time. Though the Anakin hairstyle in Attack of the Clones is still much better. Hehe. While Padme Amidala, played by Natalie Portman , was very simple, in-love [nyah!] and pregnant [maybe, that's why she's not looking so beautiful as she was in the previous episodes with all those extravagant hairstyle and make-up, hehe]. Ewan McGregor, who plays Obi Wan Kenobi, maybe great in his well choreographed jedi fights, but look how he acted when he saw how Anakin killed the younglings. Anyway, he found an excuse from teachings of the Jedi order, jedi's must let go of their emotions. Hehe. Too bad Jedi Master Windu (Samuel Jackson) almost killed Palpatine but Anakin interfered and the electrifying powers of Palpatine killed Windu instead. Yeah, the fans would miss his violet lightsaber. But we still got Yoda! And he doesn't have to kick ass! Yoda's force was amazing enough to wow the audience [the audiences' reaction was funny when Yoda put down Palpatine's guards]. Yoda's lightsaber fightscene with Dukoo in Attack of the Clones was just really a teaser compared to what he did against Palpatine this time! Yoda is the master! Haha. Thanks to his extraordinary senses, he escaped the clonetroopers ordered to kill every Jedi.
As for the other characters: Chewbacca is in the scene! Wuhoo! Han Solo's Wookie patner in crime was also great in the earlier trilogy. R2D2 is still smart. Threepio is shining gold and "not again". Hehe. Jar Jar showed up in Padme's funeral. Poor Separatists died in the hands of Anakin. Lucas should have shown a little more gore on that scene, but probably those alien's blood color won't make people happy. Heheh.
The assassination of the Jedi's were quite short but still ok. The clonetroopers with their helmets off, seems animated, reminded me of 3D humans in Starship Troopers. General Grievous eyes and heart were cool but he's not as great as Kenobi when it comes to lightsaber skills. Hehe.
Every scene was exciting and would keep you focusing [unless you're not a Star Wars or sci-fi fan]. Ok you can skip Padme and Anakin's cheesy dialogues, but it's part of the story. Hehe. But hey! a pregnant Natalie Portman with that short dress was sexy of course. Nyaha. Maybe because she's going to a very hot planet that's why she wore that thing while the Jedi's were in their thick outfits. The duel between Anakin and Obi Wan over the magma was great. I'v read that the team [staff/crew] had to go to Mt. Etna in Sicily to shot the volcano's eruption to be used for that scene.
Choreography of lightsaber fight scenes were always good. But this one, with a dark Anakin and his master Kenobi, makes it excitingly awesome! Anakin maybe a level higher on his Jedi skill than Obi Wan that time, but Obi Wan ended up on higher ground than Anakin. And Anakin, with his legs cut short, just crawled in flames. But before death, Palpatine came just in time to save burned Anakin. Then comes my [and other fans] favorite part, the transformation of Anakin to "THE" Darth Vader. He looks like decaying matter already when droids treated him and attach metal parts and machine systems to his body. Then comes down the famous Darth Vader helmet. Then you'll hear the famous sound Darth Vader makes because of his mechanized breathing. That was the moment!
But Amidala also died. Then the young Leia was brought to Alderaan, and young Luke to Tatooine.
Soon, an Empire will replace the Galactic Republic. Then that brings you back to A New Hope. Hehe
Cinematography and scoring were very "star wars". It is interesting how this episode captured a little feel of the older trilogy. The scene transition is one thing. Very powerpoint! Haha. Even the dream scenes also got the old style. And of course, Darth Vader's first steps in his ship with the black armor was very Episode 4. Well the intro and the starwars theme were legends already, but I think they fuse it with some new things. Effects were really good in almost everything, or maybe everything.
Coruscant still has a great traffic. Wahaha. Kashyyyk seems like a nice play to live in [haha, with the Wookies! haha]. Kudos to all the people behind this.
Well, that was it. Remakes come or not, that was George Lucas' STAR WARS SAGA.
I'm sure George Lucas was happy about everything. And I don't think he's inetrested in allowing remakes in the near future.
It maybe about good versus evil once again and the journey to light and darkness. But when you bring it beyond galaxies, it is indeed a different experience.
And yeah i forgot talking about love. The root. WAHAHA.
Hayden was lucky to wear that shiny Darth Vader costume! Just an alien passerby extra will do for me. Hehehe.
Extra Trivia: The last camera rolling for Star Wars EP 3 was in Elstree's Stage 8, where Lucas had the first soundstage shot to film A New Hope back in 1976. Nice.
And did you know that only one actor appeared in all six films with speaking roles in all episodes? That was Anthony Daniels. C3PO.
may the force be with you.
[and i realized, star wars perhaps had an influence on what i thought about supreme being/energy/force on this universe...anyway]

[philosopher master yoda is]